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From: "Conrad Kostecki" <>
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-servers/tomcat/files/
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 15:38:07 +0000 (UTC)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1614440221.5b190076392db59b4c908decbd40065a392604b3.conikost@gentoo> (raw)

commit:     5b190076392db59b4c908decbd40065a392604b3
Author:     Michael Mair-Keimberger <mmk <AT> levelnine <DOT> at>
AuthorDate: Sat Feb 27 15:28:44 2021 +0000
Commit:     Conrad Kostecki <conikost <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Sat Feb 27 15:37:01 2021 +0000

www-servers/tomcat: remove unused patch

Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.15, Repoman-3.0.2
Signed-off-by: Michael Mair-Keimberger <mmk <AT>>
Signed-off-by: Conrad Kostecki <conikost <AT>>

 .../tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.37-build.xml.patch     | 284 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 284 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.37-build.xml.patch b/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.37-build.xml.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ea902b4b922..00000000000
--- a/www-servers/tomcat/files/tomcat-9.0.37-build.xml.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
-index 8e02cb5..9007e8b 100644
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -760,6 +760,7 @@
-       addOSGi="true" />
-     <!-- Servlet 4.0 Implementation JAR File -->
-     <jarIt jarfile="${servlet-api.jar}"
-       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
-       filesId="files.servlet-api"
-@@ -767,21 +768,23 @@
-       notice="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.notice"
-       license="${tomcat.manifests}/servlet-api.jar.license"
-       addOSGi="true" />
-     <!-- EL Implementation JAR File -->
-     <jarIt jarfile="${el-api.jar}"
-       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
-       filesId="files.el-api"
-       manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/el-api.jar.manifest"
-       addOSGi="true" />
-     <!-- JSP Implementation JAR File -->
-     <jarIt jarfile="${jsp-api.jar}"
-       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
-       filesId="files.jsp-api"
-       manifest="${tomcat.manifests}/jsp-api.jar.manifest"
-       addOSGi="true" />
-     <!-- WebSocket API JAR File -->
-     <jarIt jarfile="${websocket-api.jar}"
-       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
-@@ -894,10 +897,10 @@
-       addOSGi="true" />
-     <!-- Re-packaged Apache Commons DBCP 2-->
--    <jarIt jarfile="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}"
-+<!--    <jarIt jarfile="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}"
-       filesDir="${tomcat.classes}"
-       filesId="files.tomcat-dbcp"
--      addOSGi="true" />
-+      addOSGi="true" /> -->
-     <!-- i18n JARs -->
-     <jar jarfile="${}/lib/tomcat-i18n-cs.jar"
-@@ -1139,9 +1142,9 @@
-   <target name="deploy" depends="package,build-docs,build-tomcat-jdbc,compile-webapp-examples"
-           description="Default. Builds a working Tomcat instance">
-     <copy tofile="${}/bin/commons-daemon.jar" file="${commons-daemon.jar}" />
-     <!-- Copy scripts -->
-     <copy todir="${}/bin">
-       <fileset dir="bin">
-@@ -1201,7 +1204,7 @@
-         <exclude name="${jdt.jar.filename}"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </delete>
--    <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
-+<!--    <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/> -->
-     <!-- Add sources for examples -->
-     <antcall target="examples-sources" />
-@@ -1244,7 +1247,7 @@
-   </target>
--  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package">
-+  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc" depends="package" unless="noget">
-     <!-- build the jdbc-pool jar and source jar-->
-     <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool libraries"/>
-     <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
-@@ -1259,7 +1262,7 @@
-     <copy file="${tomcat-jdbc.jar}" todir="${}/lib"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src">
-+  <target name="build-tomcat-jdbc-src" unless="noget">
-     <!-- build the jdbc-pool source jar-->
-     <echo message="Building Tomcat JDBC pool src JAR"/>
-     <ant antfile="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}/build.xml" dir="${tomcat.jdbc.dir}"
-@@ -1362,9 +1365,11 @@
-     <copy file="${basedir}/LICENSE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
-     <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
-     <copy file="${tomcat-dbcp.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}"
-       failonerror="false"/>
-     <copy file="${jdt.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
-     <copy file="${annotations-api.jar}" todir="${tomcat.embed}" />
-     <!-- Note the meta-inf below will work as long as there is only one JAR
-@@ -1863,11 +1868,12 @@
-     </copy>
-     <!-- Source bundles for native components -->
-     <copy tofile="${tomcat.dist}/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz"
-             file="${tomcat-native.tar.gz}" />
-     <copy tofile="${tomcat.dist}/bin/commons-daemon-native.tar.gz"
-             file="${commons-daemon.native.src.tgz}" />
-     <!-- platform README files -->
-     <echo append="false" file="${tomcat.dist}/bin/x64/README">
- Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
-@@ -1898,6 +1904,7 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
-         <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
-       </classpath>
-     </javadoc>
-     <javadoc packagenames="javax.servlet.*"
-       excludepackagenames="javax.servlet.jsp.*"
-       sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
-@@ -1962,6 +1969,7 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
-         <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
-       </classpath>
-     </javadoc>
-     <javadoc packagenames="javax.websocket.*"
-       sourcepath="${tomcat.dist}/src/java"
-       destdir="${tomcat.dist}/webapps/docs/websocketapi"
-@@ -2023,13 +2031,17 @@ Apache Tomcat ${version} native binaries for Win64 AMD64/EMT64 platform.
-         <path location="${ant.core.lib}"/>
-       </classpath>
-       <link href="../annotationapi"/>
-       <link href="../servletapi"/>
-       <link href="../jspapi"/>
-       <link href="../elapi"/>
-       <link href="../websocketapi"/>
-       <link href="../jaspicapi"/>
-       <link href=""/>
-       <link href=""/>
-       <packageset dir="${tomcat.dist}/src/java/">
-         <include name="org/**"/>
-         <exclude name="org/apache/el/parser/**"/>
-@@ -2756,7 +2768,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="download-compile"
--          description="Download components necessary to compile" >
-+          description="Download components necessary to compile" unless="noget" >
-     <!-- Download Commons Daemon -->
-     <antcall target="downloadgz-2">
-@@ -2811,7 +2823,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="download-test-compile"
--          description="Download additional components for the tests" >
-+          description="Download additional components for the tests" unless="noget">
-     <antcall target="downloadfile">
-       <param name="sourcefile" value="${junit.loc}"/>
-@@ -2889,7 +2901,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-   </target>
-   <target name="download-dist"
--          description="Download additional components for a distribution" >
-+          description="Download additional components for a distribution" unless="noget">
-     <antcall target="downloadfile-2">
-       <param name="sourcefile.1" value="${tomcat-native.loc.1}"/>
-@@ -2944,13 +2956,13 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-   <!-- =============== Utility Targets to support downloads ================ -->
--  <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}">
-+  <target name="setproxy" if="${proxy.use}" unless="noget">
-     <setproxy proxyhost="${}" proxyport="${proxy.port}"
-               proxyuser="${proxy.user}" proxypassword="${proxy.password}" />
-     <echo message="Using ${}:${proxy.port} to download ${sourcefile}"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="testexist">
-+  <target name="testexist" unless="noget">
-     <echo message="Testing  for ${destfile}"/>
-     <available file="${destfile}" property="exist"/>
-   </target>
-@@ -3072,7 +3084,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     </sequential>
-   </macrodef>
--  <target name="downloadgz" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-+  <target name="downloadgz" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-     <!-- Download and extract the package -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3089,7 +3101,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
-+  <target name="downloadgz-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
-     <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3114,7 +3126,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <delete file="${temp.file}.tar.gz"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="downloadzip" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-+  <target name="downloadzip" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-     <!-- Download and extract the package -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3130,7 +3142,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
-+  <target name="downloadzip-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
-     <!-- Download and extract the package from the two alternative locations -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3154,7 +3166,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <delete file="${temp.file}"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="downloadfile" unless="exist" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-+  <target name="downloadfile" unless="noget" depends="testexist,setproxy">
-     <!-- Download the file -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3169,7 +3181,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="exist" depends="testexist">
-+  <target name="downloadfile-2" unless="noget" depends="testexist">
-     <!-- Download the file from the two alternative locations -->
-     <local name="temp.file"/>
-     <mkdir dir="${base.path}"/>
-@@ -3197,7 +3209,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     <move file="${temp.file}" tofile="${destfile}"/>
-   </target>
--  <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy">
-+  <target name="trydownload.check" depends="setproxy" unless="noget">
-     <condition property="">
-       <and>
-         <not>
-@@ -3208,7 +3220,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-     </condition>
-   </target>
--  <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check">
-+  <target name="trydownload" if="" depends="trydownload.check" unless="noget">
-     <!-- Downloads a file if not yet downloaded and the source URL is available -->
-     <get src="${sourcefile}" httpusecaches="${trydownload.httpusecaches}" dest="${destfile}" />
-   </target>
-@@ -3219,7 +3231,7 @@ skip.installer property in" />
-   <target name="ide-eclipse"
-           depends="download-compile, download-test-compile"
--          description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse">
-+          description="Prepares the source tree to be built in Eclipse" unless="noget">
-     <!-- Copy the sample project files into the root directory -->
-     <copy file="${tomcat.home}/res/ide-support/eclipse/eclipse.project" tofile="${tomcat.home}/.project"/>
-@@ -3237,7 +3249,7 @@ Read the Building page on the Apache Tomcat documentation site for details on ho
-   <target name="ide-intellij"
-           depends="download-compile, download-test-compile"
--          description="Creates project directory .idea for IntelliJ IDEA">
-+          description="Creates project directory .idea for IntelliJ IDEA" unless="noget">
-     <copy todir="${tomcat.home}/.idea">
-       <fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/res/ide-support/idea"/>

             reply	other threads:[~2021-02-27 15:38 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 14+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-02-27 15:38 Conrad Kostecki [this message]
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2024-06-27 15:40 [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: www-servers/tomcat/files/ Conrad Kostecki
2024-05-26 21:31 Conrad Kostecki
2024-05-09 10:57 Florian Schmaus
2023-03-23  5:48 Miroslav Šulc
2022-10-30  9:28 Sam James
2022-06-03  5:38 Miroslav Šulc
2021-05-02 17:57 Miroslav Šulc
2021-04-09  6:17 Miroslav Šulc
2019-03-11  4:48 Aaron Bauman
2016-05-18  6:50 Austin English
2016-01-18 15:22 Miroslav Šulc
2015-08-22 20:31 James Le Cuirot
2015-08-16 14:22 James Le Cuirot

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